Sunday 1 December 2013

The Hirnants

The Hirnant hills are really an extension of the western side of the Berwyn mountains. However, I always think they are sufficiently set apart from the Berwyn to be thought of as worthy of the hillwalkers' attention in their own right.

Arenig Fawr from Moel y Cerrig Duon

Y Berwyn from Foel Cwm Sian Llwyd

Heading towards the summit of Foel Cwm Sian Llwyd

The summit of Moel y Cerrig Duon
The view down to Lake Vyrnwy from Moel y Cerrig Duon
Post Gwyn in the Berwyn from Foel Cwm Sian Llwyd
Moel y Cerrig Duon
At the summit of Moel y Cerrig Duon
Foel Goch
The summit trig pillar of Foel Cwm Sian Llwyd
The summit of Cyrniau Nod
Below Bwlch y Groes beneath Moel y Cerrig Duon 

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